Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Extra Credit for 10th grade

Period 1: National Security
Period 4: Taxes
Period 6: A topic of your choice.

Please submit a short (1 page) written reflection to by 5pm on Friday 10/31. Some prompts are listed below to guide you.
  • What was the main point of the initial presentation about "Why are we here?"
  • What was one question posed during the debate you saw? Why do you think this is an important issue?
  • Which side handled the questions better, in your opinion? McCain or Obama.
  • If you had the opportunity to ask a question, what would you have asked?

If you have already signed up for turnitin and submitted your Inherit the Wind essay to me, the information below is NOT for you:

If you have not signed up for a account, you MUST do so. All you need is a valid e-mail address, the class ID, and the enrollment password.

Class ID: 2470888
Enrollment password: proverbs

I will NOT submit handwritten work. If you have trouble signing up for an account, see me in class on Friday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Writing Contest:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fine Arts and Essay Display

New York State schools are invited to submit student artwork based on Dr. King's Six Principles of Nonviolence and essays on celebrating his birthday throughout the year. The categories are writing, painting, drawing, sculpting and photography. All entries must be postmarked by December 5, 2008 and will be placed on display for viewing one week prior to the King Holiday January 19, 2009 in Albany, New York. This event is co-sponsored by the New York State Education Department and the NYS Office of General Services.

For more information visit:, and (pdf), (html

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Freshmen: Read Books 13-18 online. Complete Frayer Models for 5 vocabulary words of your choice.

Sophomores: tips for your essay

A thesis statement is the main idea of an essay. The thesis statement makes a general statement about the essay's topic a little more specific. The thesis is usually one or two sentences long, and it's always a statement, not a question. The thesis statement may be a concise and general summary of the main points of the essay, or it may be the logical conclusion to the argument made in the essay.


Read your draft to yourself, at least once but probably several times. The best writers spend a lot of time reading over and thinking about what they have written.
Your next job is to make some decisions about what’s down there in that paper: the weaknesses of the piece – the parts that need more work – and its strengths – those parts that work so well you want to do more with them. In other words, your next job is to have a writing conference with yourself.

A writer’s biggest question is always, “What is it I’m trying to say here?” The questions below may help you find and shape what you’re trying to say.


1. Have I completely answered the question asked of me? (Take apart the essay question and take a look!)
2. Does my introduction follow the correct format?
3. Does my thesis statement clearly show the reader what my paper will be about? If not, how can I change it?
4. Have I shown (not told) by using examples? Do I cite my examples correctly?
5. Is there any part that might confuse a reader? Have I explained each part well enough that a reader will know what I mean?
6. Do I have too much information? What parts aren’t needed – don’t add to my point or story? Can I delete them?


1. Generally – my essay should be free from opinions. Do I include words such as “I think, I believe, etc.?”
2. Each body paragraph should contain a new argument – are these arguments strong? Do I have a solid case here or does it sound like I’m just straining for information?
3. Do I use proper sentence structure or are my paragraphs littered with sentence fragments?
4. What don’t I like? Chances are if I don’t feel comfortable with a certain aspect of my writing, it needs to be changed.


1. Be sure to properly cite quotes. Here is an example of how to do so …

“They didn’t give us anything…they said that if we were ill we should die soon anyway and it would be a pity to waste the food” (Wiesel 102).

· Notice how the author's last name and the page number are listed in parenthesis with a period after the parenthesis!

2. Avoid juvenile language such as the following:
· (introduction) In my paper I will discuss…
· (conclusion) This was my essay about…

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sophomores: Check out the links for essay choice #2
Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao Do Vegetal - 2006
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York v. Village of Stratton - 2002
Lee v. Weisman - 1992
McCreary County v. ACLU - 2005
Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe - 2000
Van Orden v. Perry - 2005

Monday, October 20, 2008


You may access today's PowerPoint presentation by visiting the link below:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

1. Why does Odysseus offer the Cyclops the liquor he brought from the ship?
2. What might Odysseus be planning (lines 274-275)
3. What do the other Cyclopes assume to be the source of Polyphemus’ pain?
4. Why do you think he reveals so much about himself (lines 415-419)
5. Read page 914 & answer questions 3 & 4

Sophomores: There is no homework tonight, however, you should be engaging in the pre-writing process for your unit essay.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Freshmen: Tomorrow's quiz will cover Books 1-8 of The Odyssey, with a little snippit of Book 9 that we discussed in class.

Read Book 9 (pgs. 896 – 903 line 210)
1. How are the Lotus Eaters a threat to Odysseus and his men?
2. Why doesn’t Odysseus respect the Cyclopes?
3. What does Odysseus’ metaphor imply about the Cyclops?
4. Why does Odysseus refuse his men’s “sound” request?
5. What is the Cyclops’ attitude toward the gods?
6. Why do you think Odysseus lies about his ship?Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops at this time?

Sophomores: There will be a test on Acts II and III of Inherit the Wind and the related vocabulary TOMORROW!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Freshmen: click for access to the online version of The Odyssey. Click through the link labled "Heroes" and look for "Odysseus." Remember to read the detailed version.

Sophomores: There will be an Inherit the Wind test on Thursday.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Happy Monday/Wednesday!

9th grade: There is no formal homework tonight. We will continue reading the excerpt from "The Iliad" in class tomorrow.

10th grade: Please complete questions #6 & 7 from the study guide. Find an example of ABOMINATION in the Bible for extra credit (look online on a search engine). Bring it to class & make sure you cite your source!

Friday, October 03, 2008

9th grade: You do not have any "formal" homework tonight, but I encourage you to preview the excerpt of The Iliad that you recieved in class today.

10th grade: Please complete the blue Act II and Act III study guide up to question 6 for Act II Scene 2.

Have a safe and happy weekend!