Friday, May 01, 2009

The Kite Runner Study Guide

Here are the study guide questions for chapters 11-12 (due Monday)

1. Amir opens Chapter 11 with the acknowledgement that Baba liked the idea of living in America, but what was it about actually living in the US that bothered him?
2. Why does Baba get upset with Mr. Nguyen? What does Amir do to try and intervene?
3. What happened to Amir in the summer of 1983? How did Baba react to this?
4. What gift did Baba give Amir as Amir was preparing to start college?
5. What is Baba’s reaction when Amir tells him that he wants to be an English major and write stories?
6. What “work” did Baba and Amir begin in the summer of 1984? Who does Amir meet as a result?
7. What does Baba warn Amir about on page 145?
8. What seems to be occurring between Amir and Soraya Taheri in Chapter 12? What obstacles do they face?
9. What bad news does the doctor give Baba?
10. What problem did Baba have with Dr. Schneider?
11. What does Amir ask of his father on page 161?
12. What was the General’s response?
13. What is the secret that Soraya needed to share with Amir? Why did she think it was important?
14. How does Hassan react to her secret? Does he think any less of her as a result?

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